诺亚 · Noah

posted in: 源创舞台剧完本 | 0

Preface: This stage play is extracted from film Tobe Butterflies. 
Try to according as the process of Universe nothing to having, to the complex and rich, telling “The beginning of chaos, love is already there.”

Welcome investor and co-producer, and sponsor.

WGAw Registry Number: 1987579 

第一幕 虚空
ACT 1. Void

舞台上一片漆黑,站满着发出微弱淡黄色荧光的微光人,他们没有跃动只是移动,虽然彼此能看见、感知,但是谁也不能让谁、为谁停留,是一个既没有时间也没有空间的(无休止的) 虚无世界。
背景音乐是空旷浩瀚的单调间断长音—— (推荐西藏弦乐器札木聂)

The stage is dark and full of shimmering people with a faint yellowish fluorescence, who do not jump but move.
Although they can see and perceive each other, no one can let anyone stays for him. It is a (endless) virtual world with neither time nor space.
Background music is a vast, monotonous, intermittent long sound. (Recommended Zham Nian of Tibetan stringed instrument)

第二幕 时间
ACT 2. Time


When two shimmers meet, energy transfer occurs, one becomes brighter and one becomes darker; The higher the match, the greater the change in brightness.
Gradually formed a group of orange people around a purple light No, and a group of blue people around a red light Ah, No-Ah is the most stable pair of matches;
They dance on the stage, forming a pattern of Tai Chi diagram. They appear and disappear from time to time, so there is a division of time.

第三幕 空间
ACT 3. Space


No-Ah run among the beating crowd, only occasionally seeing each other, but unable to get close to each other. Only time flows, there is no fixed space.
No-Ah are surrounded by more and more people with orange and blue lights, and eventually they are lifted up at the small circle in the middle of the Tai Chi diagram.
Thus, there is a relative space centered on them.

第四幕 时空
ACT 4. Space-Time

他们把诺亚放下,形成了全体共同的时空~ 开始自由地舞蹈欢跳…

No-Ah finally have the common time, they can see each other, but they still can’t get close, there is no common space.
Finally, with their efforts, the forces of mutual attraction are gradually stronger. They are held up, meet each other again, hug each other’s hands, embrace each other, and then have the common space.
Others return to the slightly fluorescent yellowish color.
They put Noah down, form the common time and space for all of them, and begin to dance freely. There are always two lights above the stage, focusing on No and Ah.
The good times are not long, some of the micro-fluorescence yellows turn into micro-fluorescent blue, part becomes micro-fluorescent orange, and then has the polarity.

第五幕 星云
ACT 5. Nebula


White fog begins to appear on the stage, the Microfluorescent yellowish people begin to jump or creep in a pale blue fog; they disappear from time to time and separate from each other.
As the snow begin to drift then, No-Ah begin to separate in the fog. Everyone slowly recovered to light yellow fluorescence.
As the fog fades, the micro-fluorescent man pulls out the horizontal light blue yarn on the stage. The yarns form high-low levels, constantly changing segment, thus has the three-dimensional time.
Noah and others dance under the yarns of high and low transformation, sometimes meet, sometimes recognize, and sometimes lost.
They gradually form some similar combination in crowds, and then form the nebula.

第六幕 星系
ACT 6. Galaxy


The yarns are pulled vertically and rotate and move on the stage, forming a three-dimensional space that form the galaxy.
No and Ah can only see, recognize and hold hands with each other occasionally, but can not come close to embrace each other any more.
The yarns gradually form labyrinth of ancient Chinese characters such as the sun, moon, mountains, and water, forming a three-dimensional space-time.
They are separated from each other and can no longer join hands. They can only look at each other and dance.

第七幕 文明
ACT 7. Civilization


Gradually No-Ah evolve from a couple dance to a solo dance. Each side forms a variety of dance forms, representing rich species. No and Ah gradually integrate into it, and lost again.
The yarns gradually form labyrinth of ancient Chinese characters, such as sky, wood, fire, earth and people. At the same time, human civilization and dance forms with different skin colors are born.

第八幕 作茧
ACT 8. Self-binding


The yarns are scattered, and the skin color people occupies the majority of the stage. A small number of animals are interspersed among them. No and Ah also hide themselves in the crowd as butterflies.
People can only communicate with each other by imitating the dance language of animals. Inevitably, there are misunderstandings, jokes, and disputes.
In order to avoid conflicts, barriers and separation wall have gradually emerged and self-restraint has begun.
Only Noah can fly freely in different isolation zones.

第九幕 化蝶
ACT 9. Tobe Butterfly

Finally, No and Ah meet in the crowd and recognize each other through the tacit butterfly dance.
Under their influence and guidance, the animals begin to dance with butterflies, and some isolated people slowly join to form the unified butterfly dance language.
At last, all break through the barrier and segregation controlled by a small number of people, they break the segregation wall and jump out of the common and tacit butterfly dance.