仙鹤湾 · Crane Gulf

This film is a song and dance drama.




2019 法国嘎纳剧本比赛决赛入围奖

Welcome investor and co-producer, and sponsor.
WGAw Registry Number: 1987579 
DCI: C20190000000000000083351600080363

Swan Lake belongs to European and American culture, and it tells the love and hate in the fairy tale legend.
Swans are distributed all over the world, but red-crowned cranes are unique to Eastern China. 
They have many similarities, but the red-crowned crane is more elegant and noble, loyalty and sanctity, only self-defense does not attack.
This stage play is extracted from the ballet part of the film Recover.
The plot does not fall into the stereotype of classic and earthliness and hate story. From the perspective of human beings, nature, ecology, earth and universe, through the positive energy interpretation of love, it expounds the Chinese culture’s ideological understanding of heaven and earth and the world.

Awards & Selections
OFFICIAL FINALISTS Cannes Screenplay Contest 2019

第一幕 仙鹤陨落
ACT 1. Crane Fallen
In the Galactic System, the Sirius of Canis Major launched attack to the Great and the Light Crane star of Grus, and imprisoned Craneman. Craneman was forced to flee their homes.
Prince Angel of the Great Crane star was injured in the battle with the Siriusman, and he was separated from the Princess White of the Great Crane star.
Some of the Cranemen came to the Earth. In order to adapt to the Earth’s environment and preserve their ethnic civilization, they sealed the Grus’s technological civilization into their genes thus changed their body shape to become the crane of the Earth’s birds.
According to the spatiotemporal longitude and latitude of the Earth to the Universe, the Craneman fixed the ZhaLong of HeiLongJiang province of China as the mirror position for the Grus relative to the Earth in the Universe, to the reproduction roots for the civilization of the Grus; fixed the YanCheng of JiangSu province of China as the mirror position of the Earth relative to the Grus, to the evolution base for the civilization of the Grus.

第二幕 扎龙之爱
ACT 2. ZhaLong Love
In the reeds of ZhaLong, the Earth civilization has gestated a handsome beau (Trueman), who is born in the year of snake and worships deer, eagle and magpie as totems (dancing with deer, eagle and magpie). He met the lost Princess White, and took care of her. He went to see and feed her every day. But Princess White missed the Prince Angel very much, and she was depressed and became thin to a resident bird. Trueman was afraid that the Princess White would be hurt, so always guarding the Princess White.
Trueman understood that the Princess White does not belong to himself. For the beloved Princess White to be happy, he tied a feather as a letter that the Princess White has fallen off to each of the migratory cranes, hoped that the Prince who belongs to the Princess White could see it…

第三幕 盐城之恋
ACT 3. YanCheng Lust
There is a crane gulf on the shore of YanCheng’s tidal flat. The Earth civilization also gestated a graceful girl (Queenie). She is born in the year of chicken and has a Labrador dog (Bratt). She worships dragon and phoenix as totems (dancing with the twelve zodiac).
She accidentally encountered the injured Prince Angel, and took care of him to save the Prince Angel; She fell in love with the Prince Angel and pinned the Prince Angel as her feelings; But the heart of the Prince Angel had already belonged the Princess White, and could not bear to hurt Queenie, he could only stay with her all the time to be a resident bird; Queenie was afraid that the Prince Angel would be lost, then she buckled the Prince Angel’s ankle with a steel ring engraved with her own mark. The Prince Angel tried to peck off the steel ring as foreign body but failed…

第四幕 银河落九天
ACT 4. Galactics Thawed
Out of human selfishness, ZhaLong’s reeds were harvested and burned to be fewer and fewer; YanCheng’s tidal wetlands were also invaded and smaller. There were fewer and fewer cranes that could carry the feathers of Princess White, and the opportunities for the cranes to find soulmate were getting smaller and smaller…
Finally one day, the Prince Angel met a fairy girl (Routier) of Grus at the seaside. Routier fell in love with the Prince Angel at first sight and danced to him. Routier sadly took down her feathers but Angel was unmoved.
Queenie couldn’t bear Routier’s entanglement with Angel and ordered Bratt to drive her away; But after a dog and crane dance, their emotions of Bratt and Routier were from hostile defense to tacit understanding, finally Routier reluctantly left… Thus the Prince Angel found a feather of Princess White in the shallow seawater! He held the feather of White dancing happily. He then knew that the Princess White is still alive on the Earth!
The Prince Angel decided to travel far and pursue his own love. He pecked down his most beautiful black tail feather, and gifted it to Queenie. After dancing a crane dance for Queenie, then he flew into the sky and joined the crane team which migrated northward…
The Prince Angel finally found the Princess White in ZhaLong, and Tureman also solved the steel ring from Angel’s ankle. He deliberately left White and drove her flying away with the Prince Angel…

第五幕 凤凰涅磐
ACT 5. Phoenix Revived
Queenie lost her wits after she lost the Prince Angel, she was chasing every crane passed by, and finally fainted at the beach after exhaustion… After White left, Trueman finally understood that the love for the Princess White was freedom. He put down his sickle in hand for protecting more cranes than harvesting the reeds. He hoped that the Princess White would come back to see him again…
Trueman finally found Queenie for the hope of seeing the Princess White, according the address engraved in the steel ring; In Queenie’s dream, he led Bratt to recognize the chicken prince with the bird gene among the twelve Zodiac people, with the help of the deer and the eagle and the magpie prince. The chicken prince brought Bratt to find the big dragon prince who can also fly. The big dragon prince told Bratt that he was actually the Prince of Sirius had fallen on the Earth, and his soulmate was the Princess Routier of Light Crane star… Bratt finally understood that the Sirius ancestors were originally trying to refine the soulmate truelove gene in the blood of the crane!
And he really knew that the truelove can only be cultivated by tacit understanding, so he ordered the Siriusmen to release all the imprisoned Craneman…
Queenie woke up to find that she had become Princess Phoenix… and Trueman had became the little dragon prince… The Prince Angel and the Princess White flew back to the Crane Gulf from the distant sky, for helping Queenie and Trueman dance out the dance of the dragon and phoenix, then they both had the truelove similar as the cranes…

The soulmates finally all became lovers.