夜探紫禁城 · Night@Forbidden

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2040年9月8日,九星连珠前夜,鹊桥三号银河系探测器抵达银河系猎户臂金牛座 M45 星。 中外历代⼗位帝王(光绪、蒙哥、李世民、穆罕默德、凯撒、秦始皇、阿育王、亚历山大、居鲁士、黄帝)通过鹊桥三号穿越回故宫,卫东作为故宫夜班保安前去太和殿查看,在太和殿⽉台上展开了⼀场关于世界历史与⽂明、战争和平与发展的对话和讨论… 

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On September 8th, 2040, the night before the Nine Planets Into A Straight Line, the Magpie Bridge III Galaxy detector arrives at the Milky Way’s Orion Arm Taurus M45 star. The ten famous emperors of the world history (the Guangxu Emperor, Möngke Khan, Li Shimin, Muhammad, Julius Caesar, Qin Shi Huang, Ashoka the Great, Alexander the Great, Cyrus the Great and the Yellow Emperor) cross to the Forbidden City through the Magpie Bridge III. Wei Dong, as the night guard of the Forbidden City, goes to the Taihe Temple to inspect it. On the platform of the temple, dialogue and discussion on world history and civilization, war or peace and development are launched…
